
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

The EF23 Hotel Booking Disaster

Started by Rafa Greenfur, 16.01.2017, 16:11:12

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Quote from: Suicune on 17.01.2017, 12:51:22
I hope the special conditions/fursuiter/regular separation comes with the Estrel Tower. (If the main con part stays on the side of the hotel where it is now.)

Well, the main conference halls are on the current side. However, there are conference rooms in the new tower too, which we may need to use because the panel rooms on the current side are limited, so the con will definitely be more spread out.

I guess it is too early to talk about the new Tower yet, since they haven't begun construction yet. But it is definitely on the map for the future.

Sam T. Housecat

Quote from: MartinRJ on 17.01.2017, 13:10:04
There is no way how someone can "prove" that they are fursuiters. It would be too easy to cheat, which would create a tremendous amount of drama. While it looks like a good idea at first sight, it's not feasible in practice.

True, there is a flip side to every coin. But hey, if furries can't trust each other to some extent, why have a conference at all? I think we have to try to ask people to be honest about having a fursuit or not. Undoubtedly, there will be a number of cheaters. Well, maybe we need to make a wall of shame for those who get busted. Or we just have to make a number of extremely ugly fursuits they will have to wear during the entire con. :D

There are positive reasons for not having a room in the Estrel too. Many hotels are a lot cheaper and I know furs who don't even try the Estrel for that reason. Furthermore, a group of furs can agree to get the same hotel, so they have quality time together as well. Small hotels are probably a lot cozier than the 1000+ Estrel.

Hai λ

Please remember that this is a furry convention encompassing many forms of art and socializing, and not a fursuiting show. Have a heart, there will not be such a room privilege just because someone has a fursuit. o_O
Embedded in the mud, glistening green and gold and black, was a butterfly, very beautiful and very dead.
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Only a question, EuroFurence isn't the only furcon in the world an it isn't the biggest one, how uncle kage solve that troubles with Anthrocon? the are bigger than us, there is a furry flood attack at booking engine and ticket selling too or they solve it? and MFF? and other?


Quote from: Sam T. Housecat on 17.01.2017, 12:32:50
- Batch 2: fursuiters! Generally only 25% of all furs is a fursuiter. However, they have to carry quite a load around, which is unpractical if you have to move through a city for a number of kilometers.

Besides that it's impossible to tell whether all who have checked the fursuiter box during registration are actually fursuiters (let alone that they're going to bring and wear a fursuit at the convention), this won't work for another reason: nearly 46% of all registered attendees have checked that box, more than the number of guest rooms at the Estrel. Even though many fursuiters are having an other fursuiter as a room mate, this probably might have worked this year, but certainly not with the projected number of attendees for next EF.

We're stuck with the reservation rush room lottery, I'm afraid. Let's hope it won't take six hours again next year.
Is it that things really change? Or does the outside rearrange?
Is perception genuine? Or does truth lie deep beneath the skin?
— Alexander James Adams, Blood and Passion


As far as I know, Anthrocon spreads over 4 hotels (or even more). I don't know how long the distances between the hotels are and if there are shuttles or something like that.

Well... Berlin also has more than this one hotel ;-) but I also understand that this isn't a good option for veryone. I have a reservation for a room in another Hotel about 30 min walking distance), but I would also prefer to be in the Estrel.
Avatar by Amaroq

Hendrik Collie

Quote from: Nathalias on 17.01.2017, 14:39:07
As far as I know, Anthrocon spreads over 4 hotels (or even more). I don't know how long the distances between the hotels are and if there are shuttles or something like that.

Well... Berlin also has more than this one hotel ;-) but I also understand that this isn't a good option for veryone. I have a reservation for a room in another Hotel about 30 min walking distance), but I would also prefer to be in the Estrel.

I am a fursuiter and also have a reservation in another hotel about 30 minutes distance.
*HUGS* Hendrik Collie


I'm a fursuiter and I've a reservation at Estrel Hotel but I leave my suit in the fursuit den


Quote from: RedFoxy on 17.01.2017, 13:56:12
Only a question, EuroFurence isn't the only furcon in the world an it isn't the biggest one, how uncle kage solve that troubles with Anthrocon? the are bigger than us, there is a furry flood attack at booking engine and ticket selling too or they solve it? and MFF? and other?

MFF was booked solid in less than 4 minutes. I got 2 server errors and was then told that the room block is booked out ;)


Can we expect to have EF Reg payment date extended for the persons on the waiting list ?

I have the feeling I'll have to wait until july/august on this list to have a small chance to get a room. 3 days on the waiting list won't be enough.
"I used to be an Eurofurence attendee like you, but then I took a Laden to the knee."

Sam T. Housecat

About giving an advantage to fursuiters, I think some people misread my mail.

My general point is not about fursuiters, it's about finding rational and reasonable criteria to divide the group into batches that can reserve sequentially in time. Sure, a lottery would solve the problem, but maybe there are better ways.

I did remark that about 25% of all furries has a suit en 75% hasn't. I don't have a suit for example. It's not about making furry fandom a fursuit-centered fandom. I would oppose such an idea just as any other furry because indeed, there is an uncountable number of ways to express your furriness.

The argument is merely about what is practical. It seems practical to me that people with a lot of heavy luggage and gear would benefit from having a room close to the con site, whereas people who travel light don't benefit from this advantage as much.

I think that all practical and reasonable arguments serve such a discussion. It would be a good thing, IMHO, if the pros and cons of several options would be discussed without excluding any ideas a priori. If this initial idea is not any good in your opinion, please try to come up with positive critique and if possible, better alternatives. Let's try to solve this problem as good as possible, as a community, being social and thinking about the interests of everyone in a fair way.