
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by Goldie, 10.01.2015, 21:54:30

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Quote from: Twillight on 10.02.2015, 23:59:59
Ich bin dieses Jahr wieder Super Sponsor. Ich weiß nicht wie das genau läuft, aber wird davon auch ein Teil an die Charity  (Wildtierhilfe Fiel) gehen?

Nein, von den Eintrittsgeldern geht nichts an die Charity. Die Sponsorbeiträge gehen direkt in meinen Geldspeicher!




Die Deutschen müssen mein Englisch nicht verstehen können, oder schön finden.  Es reicht wenn sie mein Deutsch verstehen. Wichtiger ist es das englisch sprachige Leute mein Englisch verstehen, auch wenn es nicht gut ist.



Quote from: Fineas on 11.02.2015, 21:40:56
Before you jump to conclusions I suggest you give this a read:,4833.0.html

Thank you.  :) Such factual information I have missed.
I'm not often in this forum and have not come up with the idea to look for such a thread. Sorry.
Die Deutschen müssen mein Englisch nicht verstehen können, oder schön finden.  Es reicht wenn sie mein Deutsch verstehen. Wichtiger ist es das englisch sprachige Leute mein Englisch verstehen, auch wenn es nicht gut ist.


Quote from: Twillight on 11.02.2015, 17:43:06

Yeah, I was just being ironic of course :) But it's true, the sponsor money helps keep everyone elses con fee manageable. A bit goes to the charity in the sense that, well, it takes some money to organise all charity events, and pay for people's trips and hotel rooms, and presentaiton materials .... but we're not making any direct donations. We simply don't have the budget :)



Quote from: Cheetah on 12.02.2015, 01:15:01
Quote from: Twillight on 11.02.2015, 17:43:06

Yeah, I was just being ironic of course :) But it's true, the sponsor money helps keep everyone elses con fee manageable. A bit goes to the charity in the sense that, well, it takes some money to organise all charity events, and pay for people's trips and hotel rooms, and presentaiton materials .... but we're not making any direct donations. We simply don't have the budget :)

Alles klar!!  :) Alright! :) *hugs*
Die Deutschen müssen mein Englisch nicht verstehen können, oder schön finden.  Es reicht wenn sie mein Deutsch verstehen. Wichtiger ist es das englisch sprachige Leute mein Englisch verstehen, auch wenn es nicht gut ist.


Does someone have any more updates on Wildtierhilfe e.V.?

I read on Facebook that they have been able to rebuild a good bit and they have survived yesterdays storm?


Rosi told me they're very busy with bottle feeding young animals, and every day new young animals arrive.
On top of that, they're still busy with the construction work.
So I guess they're busy, but doing fine. :)
Follow my blog during my hike to EF for Wildtierhilfe Fiel!


Quote from: pierrot90 on 07.05.2015, 11:09:44
Rosi told me they're very busy with bottle feeding young animals, and every day new young animals arrive.
On top of that, they're still busy with the construction work.
So I guess they're busy, but doing fine. :)

Oh that's nice. It's spring after all I guess.
It will get more busy with sproutings coming from that ^^


I'll be visiting Fiel the 17th of May to discuss some things.

Since it's quite far, I figured I might as well make it a short holiday.
During the journey to Fiel, I'll be stopping by in Bremen and Hamburg, probably Lübeck as well.
Not only for sightseeing, but also to party!!   ;D
If there are any furs who knows where to parteh, let me know!
Follow my blog during my hike to EF for Wildtierhilfe Fiel!


A I envy you.
I wish I had the time and money to do so.

Not in the last place so I could check out WildTierhilfe first hand and maybe offer a hand for a day or 2 while staying near there.

I wish you a good trip. Have a good time :-3


No need to envy here. I have few things to be proud of, but if you want to do something: JUST DO IT.

I really recommend to travel around in cheap ways. Try to get yourself a cheap ride, or get yourself a member card for cheap and quality hostelling at the Deutsche Jugendherberge. Or hitchhike and stay at campsites. ;3

Follow my blog during my hike to EF for Wildtierhilfe Fiel!


Will there be a page or announcement on the eurofurence-website about the charity?
Follow my blog during my hike to EF for Wildtierhilfe Fiel!


Quote from: pierrot90 on 03.08.2015, 16:04:20
Will there be a page or announcement on the eurofurence-website about the charity?
At the top right of the website is a "menu" graphic. From there you can go to the Charity section.



Oh thanks! ^^
I was using the bottom page navigation instead of the menu.  ::)

Anyways, I'll be leaving for Fiel tomorrow. From there I'll walk to Berlin in 14 days.
First post of the journey will be posted soon on my blog! Follow me on:
Wish me luck!
Follow my blog during my hike to EF for Wildtierhilfe Fiel!