
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

EF19 - interest in a music production panel?

Started by soto, 18.04.2013, 13:16:19

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hey friends!
so, i've been producing electronic music for a reasonable amount of time,
and i'd like to propose an educational but also just fun panel during which
i'd teach various facets of music production "by example" -- instead of showing
step-by-step instructions or focusing on the theory, i'd rather focus on the practice:
bringing some synthesizers and equipment and producing some music on the spot.

it would be cool to have some audience participation as well, either in the form of
suggestions ("make a hardstyle track!" "do a skrillex bassline here!") or even having
people bring an instrument (or really anything that makes noise) to sample and build
into a track.

thoughts? comments?


Great! Sounds good, I (no experience in that subject) would participate in such a workshop :)


Sounds pretty interesting. I don't know much about it, but learning is a good thing. :)

Basil Lion

Sounds interesting to me. I want to participate. (noob m( )
[skype: basil_lion] [telegram: basil_lion] [twitter: basil_lion]


i'm really stoked there's some interest in this. i've sent off an email to events@, fingers crossed!


Nice idea! We should produce an official convention hymn!  ;)

Basil Lion

[skype: basil_lion] [telegram: basil_lion] [twitter: basil_lion]


nothing back from the events team yet, unfortunately.
was told not to worry about it on IRC, we'll see how that pans out.

in the meanwhile, i'm carrying on as though the panel's going to happen,
so i'm doing preparations of material, sketching out an outline, things
of the sort. i'm preparing material for it (generally culling on old
unfinished songs, new ideas i've been sketching out, etc) with the
assumption that there won't be many other music producers who show up
(more people who are just interested or curious), but it'll be flexible
if there's anything specific somebody brings up or wants to see covered.

basically i want to touch on a lot of things without going too in-depth
at first, then build a track or two to demonstrate. it would be nice to
encourage people to bring instruments or song ideas or what-have-you so
we could end up with a little studio session, but again, i'm planning for
the likely scenario of it being a solo show.

that said, anybody have anything they'd want me to cover? even if you're
not experienced in production -- things like `how did <artist> make this


also, good news!
got a response back from the EF crew and they seemed enthusiastic
about a music production panel.

time to start sifting through samples and classifying them so i don't
spend a total of 15 minutes in the panel looking for a kick drum.

Basil Lion

Quote from: soto on 13.07.2013, 21:04:05
got a response back from the EF crew and they seemed enthusiastic
about a music production panel.

Looking forward to it :)
[skype: basil_lion] [telegram: basil_lion] [twitter: basil_lion]


hey fuzzits!
this panel was so much fun to do, and i was blown away by the response.
as promised, here's some resources for getting started with music production
or perhaps some new tools and toys if you've already got your hands dirty.

the software i used in the panel was mostly renoise, my sequencer, and aspect,
the synthesizer i was demonstrating.

a few other tools i heartily recommend:
  • REAPER, another sequencer/audio workstation (inexpensive, with a very good trial)
  • tweakbench, some nicely quirky plugins
  • fuzzpilz oatmeal, a fat-sounding, super versatile synth
  • rhythm lab, where i've been getting a lot of my drum samples lately

and, as for me, you can follow me on twitter at @sotopnthr, it's where i'm most active. say hey sometime :3
i also have a profile on weasyl but haven't been using it much at all.

looking forward to doing a meatier followup panel next year. ah berlin, du bist so wunderbar.


ps: dude who brought a ukelele, you were awesome (shoutouts for the bipolar/unipolar
lfo question). sorry we didn't have time to make some ukelelestep :c


xD Omg thanks bro!

You can't even imagine how much your panel has tought me =3

And I am so gonna do Ukulele Step now xD

Thanks again for this!