
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

EF18 was a blast (finally uploaded the photos :)

Started by Khaki, 15.09.2012, 01:42:37

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Where to begin? So many mojitos. Such fabulous company.

I was stalked by a sexy Finn, and plied with drinks by three Russians trying to pry Maranathan secrets from me.

I hung with staunch sartorialists from Security and found myself elevated to the stratosphere by music both rough and mellow. Fiddle, axe, and even a keytar. Cheetah made an excellent souffleur when Alexander James Adams forgot his lines.

A hat I bought in San Fransisco and gave away to a friend whose head it suited much better made its way to Fox Amoore and onto the stage.

Yes, some of the events were delayed. Yup. And the panels I gave weren't the best I'd ever given – but a lot of fun was had regardless.

I loved every second, and I miss everyone deeply. Next year, fuzzies!

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I was in your Photographer's Eye panel, so no big surprise that you have some great pictures, bringing out the feelings of convention :)


Haha oh dearie me. 7:30 in the morning and utterly off my face drunk, yet you still manage to make a decent photo of me. You, sir, can truly perform magic then.
And so I say the things I say
And do the things I do
And if you do not like it, then
To hell, my dear, with you


Kamuniak – were you the Russian who sat for a portrait? Or the wildlife chap? :)

Pinky – it's easy to work magic on a princess :)


And so I say the things I say
And do the things I do
And if you do not like it, then
To hell, my dear, with you


Quote from: alexfvance on 16.09.2012, 04:24:46
Kamuniak – were you the Russian who sat for a portrait? Or the wildlife chap? :)

Neither one. I was just sitting quietly in the corner :)