
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

EF 18 - Your Memories and Awesome Moments

Started by Nahro, 05.09.2012, 07:16:34

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Hope I am in the right section for this x3

This Thread is for all your EF 18 Memories and Storys you want to cherish and share!

This EF was my first ever Furry Convention I attended and it was awesome throughout! The first Moment I will always remember is the Fursuit Group-Photo and
the start of the Dance on Thursday. 400+ Suiter in one room starting to dance was just amazing to look at and be part of x3.

My second Story I will allways rember as it completely wrecked me the next day x3.
It was the Room Party in Room 779, that me and my mate Raklor were holding. We just put 3 Flyers around the elevators and the Fursuit Lounge
and never thought that so many people would come and enjoy to party with us! So for everyone who was there with us THANK YOU AND HUGS!
Especially to Room 325, who put that awesome drawing of a wasted Fox on our door! It is now framed and displayed in my home xD

Hope to hear more storys so keep em coming =3


My personal magic moment was the Dead Dog Party :) This is the moment, when all the stress is suddenly gone, and you get this endorphine high when the pain is gone, but your caveman body are is still convinced it will die if it doesn't keep you happy enough to outrun that big bad sabretooth tiger that is still after you :)



My personal best moment of EF18 was during the Dance Contest 'Enter the Arena', the interlude with Django, all other fursuiter-dancers and some people from the public dancing together: the nice song in the background and the joy and happyness all around.. I almost began to cry of touching :_)
"Fluffyness is happyness!"


For me, the most precious moment of EF 18 actually lasted about 1 1/2 hours...

Watching "The Last Unicorn" side by side with Peter S. Beagle, getting live comment from him, being able to ask questions and to give feedback during the movie was a truly memorable experience for me. I also enjoyed introducing him to the audience after the movie. :)


Definately at the concert. I had sooo much fun playing this concert! Awesome :D


Best moment was when that kid came running up to me in the lobby when I was in suit and high fived me ^^


I won't forget being trapped in the staircase with Uncle Kage. I was like "I am glad I have this radio.", he was like "No, I'm glad I have you!"

This year, being part of the security team, made me meet and talk to so many nice people - I loved chilling out until morning, having good conversations and fun, and staying awake longer than Codewolf xP

Honestly, Eurofurence 18 was my best convention experience ever.


Quincy the Raccoon

Best EVER moment...

When Uncle Kage walked up to me, looked at my badge and noticed that I'm from the Netherlands...
"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGoedemorgen" suddenly, right in my face!

It really cracked me up and I was in suit!  :D
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


Quote from: Ponch on 05.09.2012, 15:54:41
and staying awake longer than Codewolf xP
m( it never happened......honest guv :P


1. Wednesday afternoon. First fursuit. First walk. Indescribable!
2. Fursuit parade. Two children watching me. Big eyed, mouths wide open, unsure. After me crouching down and waving, them coming and hugging me. Most charming!
3. Beginning of the pawpet show. Flames on the screen. Pompeii written on it. The very (slightly altered) epic soundfile that I had listened to again and again over the last four weeks starts up. Touching!   


Well one of my best memories is one that happened in the leadup to the dealers den opening.

First off was when Alpha_ki opened the door to the dealers den for them to start setting up and being completely stunned that there was already five of us waiting, then not too long after this Codewolf drops by and then a bit later comes back with a cup of tea for me, service in line, awesome.
Just after this a friend of mine called Chibi has gotten me a small beer and because I was thirsty I drink it right away, drinking before midday, classy!

And then...

Uncle Kage appears holding a very large beer, saying that Gideon needed a beer glass for his tip jar but the lady at the bar wouldn't give him just an empty glass, he doesn't drink beer and could anyone help, so I step forward, down the beer in one go and hand it back, saving the day by drinking beer... ^_^

A. Rakiri

My awesome & memorable memories of EF18 are:

1. Loving the Pompeii Paw pet show, sooo many funny moments

2. The ranting Gryphon & Uncle Kage shows/gatherings/story telling

3. Me being silly in the lobby with a few furries in fursuit XD me out of suit btw.....

4. The longest fursuit walk i've ever been on XD boy....was i pooped!

Has anyone seen me there, met me and remember me doing something funny? XD


- The moment I arrived at Tuesday, where I've seen most of my friends, I've not seen a year before, and all the hugs!
- The moment I realize that EF went to the largest family-meeting I've ever seen
- The moment I met all the guys and girls, I've always seen online, and now seen real live. *The moment, where my heart goes wide open*
- All the nice and funny talkings about nearly everything.
- All the silly and crazy dancing moves  ;D (my muscles killed me, 2 days later)
- All the very small nice moments, who touched me
And the last point:

- All these awesome guys (and girl ;) ) who were in the security team. You all were (and are) so really fucking awesome funny guys :D (and girls ;) ) I love you all!
"State your name, rank and intention!" - "The Doctor, Doctor,... fun..."


- Seeing and hearing a song I wrote 13 years ago finished, performed on stage by an awesome band. I cried for 10 minutes.

- Fursuiting, for the first time since EF5, so also 13 years ago... so much fun.. that moment when you look into a mirror and it's not you looking back. A dream come true.

This year's EF was nothing short of awesome, particularly the Friday was most probably the best day of my life. When two dreams I dreamt for 13 years came true, all on one single day. I'm still riding on the high of that.


For me, being able to perform a Fursuit dance I was proud to watch. I did my version of Weapon Of Choice and I really enjoyed watching it back on YouTube. Also, I don't like 2 as a comedian, but as an event host, he's pretty awesome.