Will YOU be a Runner at the Art Sales? Short-Term Help for the Art Show Wanted!

Started by Cairyn, 25.08.2012, 16:22:49

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Dear Guests;

like last year, we would like to ask for some support with the Art Show sales! (This time, we even tell you in advance  ;D )

When do you need me? On Saturday, after the auction. We split the afternoon (from 14:00 to 19:00) into several slots so you can schedule around any panel or event that you want to attend that day.

What's the task? Get a list of artwork from the sales desk, find it by panel number, and hand it to the buyer!

Is that difficult? Not really, but we will have a short introduction / demonstration for volunteers on Wednesday after the Opening Ceremonies, and again at Thursday after the regular opening time (the same stuff... you only need to attend once).

When do I sign up? Come by on Wednesday during the Artists' setup, or on Thursday during the opening times or for the introduction. You can simply drop by the Art Show, we will enlist you then.

Come by, the more the merrier (and the faster the sales will go)!