
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

A new Wolfi says"Hello" and come with al little Idea...

Started by Leoniene, 01.04.2012, 15:39:10

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Hy Everyone! :)
My name is Leoniene and I live in the top of Stria(Austria)
I am 18 Years old but i looked like a 15 years old girl because I am so small... m(
My Hobby's are: to be a furry, falconry, drawing new pictures, animals.

This is my first Furry Convention...
I am a little bit nervous :-[ But I hop there to meet or find some good new friends?

I say I come with my Quad suit. But I have now so less time and cannot finished it for the EF. Sorry! :( Maibey Next year...
Now i let me build a Partial(Wolf.Her name is Nature like the picture) and the body for a full I build with a help from a tailor.

Now my little Idea...
I hope it is really OK to do this? XS
My Idea what I have is a Flash Mob
What a Flash mop is?
Some people meets abrupt in a group and do easy dances to a beautiful song...
It is very Easy and Funny! I think that can be OK for the Furry convention?
I know some beautiful dances and songs for this...

That was from me...
If you have questions..say it!;)
Not so good in English!
Nature Loves Plüshis (Leoniene) and Props<3

Picture was made by me and the Suit by Yaiko!

Quincy the Raccoon

Grrrrreat idea girl! I love it, and hey... do I have the feeling I know you?! *sniffs butty* Great, then I'll see you on  EF later this year! *yayz!*
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


It's great to see more 18 year olds going too :3
It's my first con also!

Hope you have tons of fun!

A flash mob would be a cool idea but it'd be rather hard to organise and prepare before the con. I'd happily take part if something gets organised though ^.^

A. Rakiri

Well hello there! :3 i hope u will enjoy your first EF and furry convention this year :3