
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Amateur (Ham) Radio?

Started by A. Rakiri, 09.01.2012, 00:57:17

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I will take a Short Wave/VHF/UHF transceiver with me, along with a magnetic loop antenna and a little ground plane antenna.
Added to that i will also take my laptop and a "modem" for radio teletyping.

Guess i won't use it often though, i'm also usually more into meeting other people on conventions ;)

But if you see me or my equipment in public, feel free to say hi :P


Not much experienced with radios, would really like to learn, as it would improve my prepping.
We're bringing along cheep walkytalkys.
I had nothing to do with either the three little pigs or little red riding hood. Honestly I`m a nice guy, who just happens to love pork, and hooded women. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!


I´m interested too. Unfortunately I also have not much experience with amateur radio as well, because I just get my license a few weeks ago.

73, DO7CWF



Walkytalkys er også fint og vittig, især på en convention ;)
Bringer dere PMR eller CB walkytalkies?

Congratulation :) ! I made my advanced license 2 months ago.
I'm sure you still know some stuff regarding that you already have an E-licence ;)


Quote from: AkiFox on 15.08.2014, 18:39:47@Christian:
Congratulation :) ! I made my advanced license 2 months ago.
I'm sure you still know some stuff regarding that you already have an E-licence ;)
I hope so. :P

I´m planing to start learning for the advanced license soon, so I can finish it before I forgot everything of the novice level. ;D


Quote from: AkiFox on 15.08.2014, 18:39:47

Walkytalkys er også fint og vittig, især på en convention ;)
Bringer dere PMR eller CB walkytalkies?

bare bilige klokke Cb radioer.

Btw Where and when are we gonna meet?!
I had nothing to do with either the three little pigs or little red riding hood. Honestly I`m a nice guy, who just happens to love pork, and hooded women. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!



As I said, i will just be sitting there somewhere with my equipment, when i feel like it.
But i don't know when it is and how long I will stay there ;)

As the EF has a new convention site this year and I like to stay spontaneous on cons, i can't tell in advance, sorry :-(

But yeah, when you're into prepping, short wave is definitely something for you ;)
you don't need any relais and just a few watts for world wide contacts, if you use the right antenna.


We`ll be at 100mhz channel 1 Callsign Ziggy. See ya there.
I had nothing to do with either the three little pigs or little red riding hood. Honestly I`m a nice guy, who just happens to love pork, and hooded women. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!


@ziggy: are you sure, you mean 100MHz? Thats in the middle of the regular german radio broadcast band and illegal for private use^^  Or do you mean PMR radios?


@Ziggy: Are you absolutely sure you have sufficiently considered the local (german) regulations for radio amateurs, in particular the assigned frequency ranges? You're smack-dab in the middle of Berlin here, and I don't look forward to explaining to the BNetzA why some of our guests are causing interference on frequencies they're not even allowed to transmit on. How comes you've got a UK callsign? Weren't you hailing from Norway?

Please, please, pretty please with cherry on top: Know what you're doing. If you interrupt the con's 70cm digital staff comms (UHF, but outside 430-440MHz), I'll be slightly annoyed. Stick to the amateur bands and their maximum ERP, and maybe check out what the DARC has to offer as help to visitors in Germany wanting to HAM it up.

Thanks, and have fun despite the regulations, ;)
Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.


Sorry  dubble checked it, that`s 446MHz (PMR)  outside your range, wich is on the amateur band acording to the link you posted.  Should we experiance any chatter we`ll just change the channel.
Still learning here ok. Sorry for anny heart attacks I may have caused. Some other security dude told me your system is incrypted and it`s virtually impossible to disturb your communications.
We mainly use it to communicate internally in our group, because it`s cheeper than cellphones. Ziggy is simply what I call myself when talking on it.  
However I do have a callsign wich I do not remember, wich I use on a digital scanner via a webbrowser, to try to lean how to do this stuf and look in to getting a licence some time in the future.
I`m basicly here to learn, and ask stupid questions, and apply what I learn to disaster preperation.
And get some advice on buying a scanner to listen in on safety anouncements.
Never had any problems with communications at EF, if I did you propably would have contacted me by now and beaten be with a rubber hose.

Anyhow since I have your attention, we`re bringing along a fully stocked first aid kit, (Yes I`m paranoid) Should you need anything if anything happens, just ask.
Just trying my best not to be an asshole here.
I had nothing to do with either the three little pigs or little red riding hood. Honestly I`m a nice guy, who just happens to love pork, and hooded women. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!


@ziggy: ok, i will give you a call on pmr channel 1 then, when i have build up my equipment :)


@Ziggy: Thanks for the clarification, all is well! I'm just too german for my own good, and love to quote incredibly boring walls of text.
And since I'm insufferable smart-ass: 446.0-446.1 MHz is decidedly not on an amateur band, but of course free to use with PMR devices. ;)

Now go forth and party!
Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.


DD3AH here. I think i will have 2m and 70cm FM with me. But I won't promise to be QRV a lot.
just an average con goer


Oh! Count me in!
I'll have a cheap-n-cheerful Baofeng UV5R with me and a Wouxun KG-UV950 in the car.
Hoping to have a few chats when Im there, but a meetup would be good!