
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Ave plebs

Started by Sithy, 08.01.2012, 12:39:56

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Heya all :) My name is Sithy, I'm 22 (soon to be 23), I am of the lady variety and I live in a tiny village in the Netherlands together with my boyfriend Okill, our dog and 7 rats. I've never been to EF before due to my job...I'm an archaeologist and summers are spent digging stuff up. I specialise in northern European archaeology and Archaezoology or the relation of man and animals in the past, woohoo. Currently doing a Master's in that. I also speak 7 languags, 3 of which are officially dead x) That's my job in a nutshell. In my spare time I like reading, writing, hanging out with friends and being a derp in fursuit. I own four fullsuits and might cram in another partial before EF. Pics and info on my FA:
This year I only have paperwork to do for my job (yeah us archaeologists cannot escape it either) so I can finally attend. The theme couldn't have been better of course! ;D I will bring all my fursuits and plan to do a lot of suiting and talking to everyone who's been bugging me to go. I like talking about everything and anything so do poke me at EF :)

Ita, nunc primo Bavariam.  8)
Registration & Social Media staff


welcome :)

I love your suits and i love your job :D
Well feel free to watch my girls-cafe (if you are a girl:D).

Watch this for more information Girls-Cafe II


Oh yay, I am glad the girls cafe will be back. I'll be there :)
Registration & Social Media staff


yeah, got a last minute okay from my boss :D
So i can begin to organise it :)


Salve tibi quoque.
Wow, you seen like a very interesting person by the sounds of it ^^

It's nice to see other linguists going to this thing! I can't wait!

Quincy the Raccoon

Exspectata ut nostrum humilis domus!

Welcome to the EF forums, make yourself at home!

Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3

A. Rakiri

Nice to meet u :3 i wonder wat are the languages you can speak? :3 is one of them Turkish i wonder? :3 I can speak that!


Thanks all <3

I don't speak Turkish (yet), I speak Dutch, English, German, French and Russian. Plus Latin, ancient Greek and Middle Egyptian (i.e. I read hieroglyphs ;)) but one can't really 'speak' those as you would with a living language... Regardless feel free to chat with me in any of those languages :) I like to talk lol x)
Registration & Social Media staff


Wuff wuff! Welcome aboard, that's a lot of rats to keep up with.
More is more.