
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Opinion about this years pawpet show

Started by Keidran, 21.08.2011, 00:29:39

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I just noticed that in front of the temple Jao Chan held a piston to Voids head.
A much larger gun may have been a good idea to let the audience see this too.
With that, the dialog at that point makes much more sense.

Just some feedback to consider when planning next year's props.
Fursuiter (2 Suits).
Dealer ( and


It all comes down to the 80-20 rule and how production size and budget scale:

You would need 8 times the resources you spend to complete 80% of your project to finish the last 20%.
So there always will be space for some improvements though the resources time and money are limited and thereby setting the frame for the production.

And I think reaching 80%, sometimes even 85% or 90% with that tiny resources and an amateur team is a great achievement.

Only those that can see which is invisible can do the impossible.


Fursuiter (2 Suits).
Dealer ( and