
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Ringberg Revival 2011 (post-EF party in Suhl)

Started by Onkel Kage, 07.12.2010, 20:37:25

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Onkel Kage

Last year about 30 furries headed down to the Ringberg the day after Eurofurence to enjoy a night in the company of our old friends.

Does anyone want to do that again this year?

And if so, would it be preferable to do it on Sunday night, August 21, or Monday night, August 22?


I vote for Monday night, because missing the Dead Dog Party would be a shame.

I don't know yet if I can make it, though. Still trying to get enough time off work...
"The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest." (Henry David Thoreau)

Onkel Kage

Oooo, dead dog party!  Can't miss that.

OK!  Monday it is.


This question of choice makes me curious about something...

Is Domestic Travel subject to summertime Sunday Congestion?  Here in the USA, during summer vacation season, Sunday is "get home before returning to work tomorrow" day, and it makes the highways crowded; Monday travel, except during rush hour commutes, is much lighter here, and I was wondering of the same pattern holds true for Germany.

Also - I was hoping to read a report in this Forum about how well the Suhl Field Trip for 2010 went; and whether there is any possibility of another "Suhlvester" party.
Vulpine fortunes are precarious; people wish either to build monuments to us - or to hang us.


I'll be there again, and I too don't want to miss the Dead Dog Party ;D

Uncle Kage, Chairman of Ringberg Revival, we salute you! Cheers! :P

(also, will you try again to make the Crazy Horse open for us?)


Quote from: VulpesRex on 10.12.2010, 08:56:37
and whether there is any possibility of another "Suhlvester" party.

We will have another Suhlverster party this year.
You can get information here,
or asking Nightfox directely. :)

Only those that can see which is invisible can do the impossible.



@ VulpesRex:
Yes, there will be more public traffic on a Sunday. Especially @ the concerning EF weekend, because in Sachsen-Anhalt, school starts back on the 25th. So in my experience, parents travelling with children will preferably choose the 20th or 21st to come back home.

In generell - and perhaps still on the 21st - you will be much faster @ Sunday, cause on Sundays and public holidays, trucks are not allowed to drive between 12am and 10pm. And on German motorways, it is mostly trucks that slow you down.


Thank you, Drift, for that information on traffic patterns on weekends and holidays.

This information - particularly the item about Trucks (or Lorries, as the English call them) not being allowed on the highways on Sundays and public holidays is exactly the sort of useful tidbit of information which locals possess, but which isn't included in travel books for some reason, and so we travellers are ignorant of them.

There is a wealth of such information, which native populations regard as commonplace and hardly think about, but which baffles us auslanders - and of which it would be mega-useful to compile and post a list.
Vulpine fortunes are precarious; people wish either to build monuments to us - or to hang us.


Quote from: Drift on 15.12.2010, 14:48:46
on Sundays and public holidays, trucks are not allowed to drive between 12am and 10pm.

12am is ambiguous, though. German Law dictates midnight, to be exact, or 00:00:01 am, if you prefer.
Therefore you'll be safe of lorries in the mornings too, except for a handful of exceptions. No need to call the police if you still see some of them on the road. ;)

"The best way to get correct information from the net is to post wrong or incomplete information"  ;D
Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.


ooops, I actually ment midnight... got the am and pm thingie wrong  m(

thanks gyro...

And yes, there are some exceptions.
Lorries without trailer are allowed to drive, and some that got certain cargo = extra licence. But that's rare, you can still feel the difference driving on Sundays ... :)

@Vulpes:glad I could help...  :D


I vote monday. Also maybe this time 2 days instead just one evening :)

Ringberg Mini Con? Who knows... ^^


I want to have the dead dog party ^^
and maby 2 nights instead of one? ^^
Miff Miff <3


I'll be at the Ringberg from Monday to Wednesday Morning. Looking forward to sillyness and picture opportunities  :o


I vote for Monday, I think I can be there :D