
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

first time fursuit???

Started by FWO heltash, 13.09.2006, 12:23:24

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Quote from: klayman44 on 01.02.2007, 08:44:26
18+!? damn, i cant go this has really made my day! *concust rolling then has idea*
how about you do the age system like they do over at anthrocon, give badges out at the door saying "minor" or "adult" and have some sercurity at the dealer's room door, kind of a good idea, huh!

  • You fail at the intarwebs.
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


yeah i read that BEFORE i posted the first one


Quote from: KennoFox on 07.01.2007, 23:29:59
one more question a have to ask relating to fursuits, how on earth can you see through tiny holes and still be able to walk without hitting anything????

My fellow furrie Tamu the lion has the same problem. He made himself a realistic lion headpiece, but the resulting sight is very limited. He has about 10 percent of regular view and he cant see directly in front of him so he has to either walk with head to the side or turn his head constantly.

While were at it, this discussion is named "first time fursuit", isnt it? So why dont you all fursuiters share? What it was like your first time?

I had my first fursuit-outing a month ago in Prague zoo. It was so funny. Lot of kids, adults, animals... Too bad it was so hot in the suit...
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


I'll be getting my fursuit, hopefully in the next 3 weeks or so :) I am soooo looking forward to fursuiting around London at the londonfur meet after i get it :D


And while we are at it, here are excerpts from video footage from my first fursuit-outing. They were taken by Tamu the lion's digital camera. I had a real problem with my hair there... But it was so much fun!
Phantom of LiveJournals and EF forums...


Just a question, but do you have to be 18 to attend LondonFur? I'm 14, first time fursuiter, and wondering whether I should come with my parenst or not (or not at all TT_TT). Thanks!

Mr Wolf

Quote from: Lokosicek on 07.12.2006, 12:50:51
Its a matter of how close your eyes are to those holes. Closer they are, wider the view. Sometimes your eyes are so close, you can actualy have slightly less or more unobstructed view. My friend Torwen (cougar female) had her suits mask made this way...

Sometimes you can see through the entire eyes as well. Savoy for example has her eyes made of coloured white net-like material. From the outside it seems as homogenous white material, but from the inside she can see quite well (i guess)...
With the suit made for me by Noble Wolf, I can see perfectly through the black part of the one way eyes.


OMG it´s my first con with a fursuit too. x3 My fursuit is not finished yet but I´m doing very well with it. I´m trying to make it as comfortable as possible! I am more concerned about how I do with it in the plane. :P I hope I can carry the head in my handluggage.