
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Spam since the EF registration - anyone else?

Started by Token, 23.02.2007, 16:09:39

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Hello everyfurry,

First of all, I am not angry, I got an effective spamfilter. But I got also an eMail-adress that is mostly spam-free. I used it to register for the EF and during the last week I started getting more and mroe spam.
I sorted out the places where I recently put my eMail-adress in and it is not alot since I am rather careful. The EF-Registration is one of them. The spam is mostly the gif-spam from the spamthrough-virus.

I know it could be any possible source, so I was wondering if anyone of you is experiencing similar things?



We are definitely NOT telling anybody about your email address. We use your email ONLY to send you EF-Related stuff, such as confirmations and paymentreminders, and the occasional annoucement. Nobody else has access to our database except EF staff.

The spammer probably got your address out of the address book of someone's trojan infected PC ... that's where most of today's spam recipient adresses are harvested from. Possibly even your own ...



I did get one spam in German.  Nothing else.


I'm using the same address for EF registration every year (since 4 years now) ... not that I ever noted getting spam derived from that...
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillnesse, and humilitie. (Shakespeare)


The same here, I never had any spam which could have been even remotely related to EF.
So I think it's purely a coincidence.
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+


Ofcourse I know that nobody of you did it on purpose :-P

And yes, the gif-spam comes from infected PCs. So my eMail-adress landed on one. Since nobody else experinces it is, I can put EF off the list :P
There is only one more online-shop during that time that got my adress. I'm going for them now :-P

Thanks guys,



i get spam every day, 90% of it being of a very dirty nature. it all gets sent to my trash can anyway
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)


Thank you very much for this iportant information.


Nighty: at least i could resist posting my realy destroing thoughts on this earlier the day  *EG*

on topic:

i'm getting no spam at all related to ef in any kind ...  maybe my server's filter is just too good :)

and yes:  i vote for not letting M$ users sign up for furrycons  ;-P



Quote from: somewolf on 07.06.2007, 15:28:47
and yes:  i vote for not letting M$ users sign up for furrycons  ;-P

NOW I'm happy I use a Mac  :o ;)


PS: Don't have too many problems with spam either. About 5 a day or so...perhaps 10.
Elämä on epävarmaa - syö jälkiruoka ensin!

LJ | Twitter | dA | FA | My Suits


Ey somewolf - know what? You even have somedirty MS-Users on the sec-team-mailing list *g* Better sort them out before we infect the secret FIA-servers...
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillnesse, and humilitie. (Shakespeare)


tekki:  there's no such thing  ....i mean secteam

ok maybe we should move chatting to irc no?
