
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Your species, what is it, and why?

Started by Super Swede, 07.09.2008, 21:02:51

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I'm a Catcoon. Or an Raccat as i like to call it. It's because my personality fits very well with both species. Only one of them is kinda missing something of me, but both together have everything.
They are my favourite animals.
Miff Miff <3


My preferred species is an horse, to be exactly an cute white pony with an touch of unicorn.

Since an young age i am dreaming from horses, proud animals beeing strong and graceful. I wish i would be this as well, but at least i have in common with them that i am very shy; tend to run away when there is too much around me and like to walk around in the nature.

When i went online ten years ago far those far forgotten things from my childhood came back and slowly i discovered one thing - i want to be a cute pony.

And in weird ways i finally found to fursuiters and my fursuit helps me at least in some way to transform myself into this creature.


Edelweiss... since when are horses shy?  ;)

Even if something scares the crap out oft hem....they come back soon toinvestigate WHAT has scared them ;)

So long

There is no business than show business


I am an equine.

This suits me best because of spiritual reasons that are (unfortunately) not always "swallowed" well by other furs when I share them.
However, since I don't care about this and there are still a lot people who can relevate to it I shall explain further, yet keeping it brief.

In the world of labels there are therianthropes and these are considered the "different" kind of furries.
The believe goes that they were the animal in question in a previous life.
In my case, I always felt there was just more then me inside this physical body and with a lot of personal research and regression theraphy this also seems truly the case.
I never knew what a furry was let alone therianthropy during this path of self discovery.
However, I do feel at home in the furry community since most people do share a true deep passion and connection with the animal(s) they represent.

Hence, I am here. :)
The sun shines in my face, running as fast as I can, the wind blowing thru my mane...


Husky here for no reason other than that I think huskies look awesome and are :3
"Just one sign... and your cookie is mine!"


me's a Wolfdoggie,

Grey wolf(because i loved them all my life) And German shepherd(Because of jango( ).

The white stripes Around my neck on my fursona are from jango, the floppy ears and tail to :3
Be gentle for the cookie's!


I'm an Arctic Fox, started out as a red fox because I've always liked them but when I discovered furry IRC it was that mad time when everyone in the UK was a fox so *crowbar of separation* I became an eisfuchs - cute & not your typical fox :P

Kitt Spidox

Im a spidox (bat eared fox x wolf drider)

my species grew with me over years and works well with my personality and likes (im cute and wiggly but also mischievous)

fun fact: im part spider yet im afraid of spiders O,,O


I'm an anthropomorphic frogwhalemillipededaffodilsquirrel.

Although I think my left ear might be part teapot.


Quote from: agrajag_fur on 18.03.2009, 15:48:02
I'm an anthropomorphic frogwhalemillipededaffodilsquirrel.

Although I think my left ear might be part teapot.

:D ;D Thanks for the chuckle.
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+